The Natural World around us is always speaking, are you listening?

If you could communicate with the animals in your life what would you learn?

Your pet chose you to care for you, give you unconditional love & emotional support, be your teacher, and share profound wisdom and guidance to help you in your life.

Whether you would like to connect with your pet to understand them more deeply, feel like your pet is trying to tell you something and you need help decoding the wisdom they are trying to share with you, have a concern you would like to gain insight about, want help communicating a message to your pet, or want to connect with a beloved animal who has crossed over the rainbow bridge you are in the right place.

Here’s How I’ll Help You

I have known Kathy for over two decades and her ability to bring through the healing insights of animals is incredible and profound. But what I really treasure about Kathy Van Guilder is her kindness and sensitivity for humans. She understands what compassion is and wow, what an amazing gift she has in connecting us with the Angelic support and wisdom of the beings who can love us unconditionally, our pets!

I am so grateful for Kathy and her amazing gift to communicate with animals.

My session with my kitty Jessie was more than I could ever have imagined. I wanted to understand why she was suffering so badly from allergies and how I could help her feel better, which I did find out, but that was only the tip of the depth that Kathy went into.

I found out that Jessie is like a guardian angel for me and is here to help me love and believe in myself. The information Kathy gave me from Jessie touched my heart so deeply and everything she was saying made perfect sense. I had been feeling very alone for a while now, but knowing and understanding I was not only loved so much by Jessie but protected by her was the most amazing gift. To understand how she was here to help me believe in and use my gifts to help myself and others was transformative and completely blew me away.

To be able to help our animals through communication is amazing, but to understand how they are here to help us, is the most precious gift anyone could receive.

Treat yourself to this precious gift and book a consultation with Kathy, you and your fur babies deserve it!

Thank you so much Kathy, you truly are amazing!



Animals have so much they want to share with us and I can help you understand what they are trying to tell you.

The innate ability to connect with pets and all animals lives in each of us; we have just forgotten how to open and connect with this all-knowing sacred channel of communication.

I facilitate a two-way conversation between you and your pet so that you can find out what your animal wants to communicate to you. Animals have an intuitive empathic knowing and want to share profound loving wisdom and guidance with you to help you in your life.

I can teach you how to open this heart channel of communication (that is your birthright) so you can hear and understand your pets and all animals through one of my Courses or through Private Coaching.


Kathy communicates with all animals great and small; including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, birds, and more.

Free 30-Minute Animal Communication Webinar Replay

Crack the Code:
Learn What the Animals in your Life are Saying

➤ FREE 30 minute video
Learn the language of energy your animal speaks and how to decode their messages.
A great introduction to Animal Communication.

➤ PLUS….A Bonus Gift
A visualization to help you
enhance your sensitivity and strengthen the bond between you and the animals in your life.



Listen to Kathy on the Rover Says podcast and hear the story of Jessie, the calico cat who desperately wants to get a message through to her human, Katy.

Kathy’s ability to communicate with animals is an incredible gift to humanity.

During our private consultations, she not only helps me to understand my Golden Retriever’s needs but on a deeper level, she helps me to see how my canine angel mirrors back to me what I need to see about myself. This was mind-blowing for me! Now I listen & observe him closely because I understand that he is a pure, loving being that has agreed to serve this purpose for me.

I am so grateful for his unconditional love and for Kathy, who facilitates this deep connection between us.
Kathy’s help proved the saving grace in my beloved dog’s final days. Connecting with Piper, Kathy was able to guide me as to how best to care for my pup in her waning days. Kathy’s calm, caring manner and suggestions helped both me and Piper immeasurably. My anxiety turned to confidence as I saw Piper’s wonderful response to getting the right support from me. Thanks to Kathy, I really knew it was Piper’s time to go and felt sure she knew how much I loved her, which was of immense comfort. Kathy even helped our cat relinquish Piper’s favorite bed back to her, which was nothing short of miraculous!
— Leslie, NY
Kathy is grounded, connected, and a clear channel. My dog was displaying some unusual and troubling behavior. I contacted Kathy via referral. She worked to squeeze me into her packed schedule and gave me valuable information, not just about my beloved dog, but how my own behavior fits masterfully into the equation. Kathy helped me see pets are a reflection of ourselves. They are sending direct messaging, even using their own bodies, to deliver profound guidance and healing. That wisdom has helped to clear a pathway to the clarity I’ve not known before when it comes to relating to my canine.
— S.G, CA
Kathy is warm, wonderful and very gifted at bridging any distance between me and my dog. There were so many messages during my session that continue to speak to me each time I listen to the recording.

I thank you so much for sharing your gift of giving beloved animals a voice, making it easier for them to reach us, and helping me to understand all they offer and can do.
— M.C., NY
Kathy is an incredibly gifted soul. I have called on her help numerous times to gain insight into concerns we have had about our 2 cats and their health, behaviors, and general overall well-being. I understand them on a much deeper level now and what they are trying to communicate to us. The insight I receive is profound and makes me feel more self-assured as a cat parent.
— A. M., Minneapolis, MN
Our cat, Olivia and English Bulldog, LeRoy, had an animal communication session with Kathy that changed all of our lives. We adopted Olivia from a shelter a year ago. We have always had cats that are lap cats, until Olivia. Olivia told Kathy that laps are “uncomfortable and difficult” for her and she also told her she would love a kitty condo. Kathy communicated with Olivia how much my husband and I would like her to sit in our laps. After our session, that same night, Olivia sat on my lap! Even though it was for only five minutes, it meant so much to me! Several days later we purchased a kitty condo for Olivia and there isn’t a day that goes by she hasn’t sat in it. While in her condo she appears to be smiling!

LeRoy is ten years old. Watching him age hasn’t been easy. It’s more noticeable now that his arthritis is really affecting his mobility. When Kathy spoke to LeRoy he shared with her he still has a lot of joy! That his purpose on earth isn’t over yet. His purpose is to help my husband and I live in the moment! He also shared he has a sense of humor! My husband and I are now more present with him and are noticing his “sense of humor” that seems to come through his sighing at the funniest moments! I am now focusing on my loving, funny bulldog and not my aging dog!
— M. & K. Smith, Indiana

I have had a special bond with animals my entire life and have been able to communicate with these Angelic beings since I was a child. I have served as a communication bridge between animals and humans for 20 years through animal communication one-on-one sessions and courses.

Know that animals always communicate from a place of non-judgment and compassion.

Your pet wants to share their thoughts, feelings, and amazing insight with you.

Are you ready to hear what your animals have to say?