Can Animals who live in the wild teach us how to live a happier life?

If you have gotten close a wild animal in nature you probably felt their incredible magic. You may have even wondered, what do these beings know or understand about life here on earth? And you may have even felt the animal’s great wisdom that lives inside of them. Wouldn’t it be amazing to know what these animal beings think, how they feel, and what wisdom they have to share with us?
We know we can communicate with our pets telepathically to help us understand their thoughts and feelings. But did you know that animals in the wild have profound messages to share just like our pets? Our beloved pets choose us so we can receive their love and their help in our lives. They teach us through their actions, and behaviors, and by sharing spiritual wisdom and guidance telepathically.
Wild animals have far less physical contact with humans than domestic animals. But did you know they can feel everything we are feeling and understand everything we are thinking? And that they are impacted by our thoughts and feelings because we are all connected? Animals who live in the wild teach us how to love and respect ourselves and every living being we inhabit the earth with. They teach us that every blade of grass, drop of water, and even the smallest insect has great importance and value. I find myself feeling deep gratitude when I watch the birds, the squirrels, and the rabbits live and thrive together in harmony in my own backyard.

What if you could hear what the animals in the wild want to share with us? What if you could feel their loving support? In the new online lecture series, The Animals Speak, you can. Learn more about Wisdom from the Animal Populations around the world here.


Listen To Kathy’s Conversation About Animals with host, Mary Armendarez from, BASIC PURITY


Listen to the Podcast, "Animal Communication," where Kathy was interviewed on the Healing Connections Podcast