Is your pet’s personality like yours?

I was communicating with a beautiful canine recently named Finn, and his humans wanted to know how he felt about the other dog in the family.

When I asked Finn about the other dog, he said he didn’t understand this dog. Finn said, “His personality and energy level are not like mine.” These two dogs express their personalities in their own special way.

Animals have unique personalities, just like humans. And our animal’s personalities are often similar to ours.

How does this happen? On a soul level, our animals choose to come into our lives to assist us in the way we need it the most. Sometimes, they help us to receive unconditional love; sometimes, they help us learn to set boundaries, and often, they help us by mirroring aspects of our personalities. I have a course about this.

Our pets give us the gift of helping us see ourselves more clearly so we have more awareness of our true selves and what parts of us need more love. The intention of our animals is always loving, There is never any judgment or criticism.

I invite you to notice the animals in your life and their personalities. Is one or more of your animals similar to you in some area?

Do you both need time alone, more play, or to be out in nature? Is your animal highly expressive and mirroring to you to express yourself more often? Is she needy or anxious and helping you see when you need to fill your buckets or need the space to connect within? Is he a beautiful, loving being helping you to see your gift in your ability to love deeply?

Animals will mirror the parts of us that need more love and the parts of our personalities that are our true, authentic selves that we sometimes take for granted.

To learn more about the animals, what they think, and how they help us, be sure to listen to the latest Fear Unzipped podcast. The episode is loaded with helpful information to understand your animals on a deeper level and increase your connection with them.


Does your pet seem extra needy?