Reincarnation: Will my Animal Come Back?

The loss of a pet is often devastating and painful. This incredible being we have loved so deeply and who has loved us unconditionally leaves us, and we miss their energy, loving presence, and support. We wonder if we did all we could do for them and second-guess ourselves if we let them go at the right time.

The animals have taught me that they are not afraid to cross over the rainbow bridge. They welcome leaving their aging or ill body so they can feel free again. The animals want you to see that their time of exit is always in divine order and they need a rest.

Animals want you to know once they exit, they are just a frequency away and you can communicate with them anytime. I teach a class to help you learn to communicate with animals.

Your animal will try desperately to get messages through to you, letting you know they are around and continuing to comfort, love, and guide you.

The best way to receive messages from your beloved pet who has crossed over is to be open and in your trusting and innocent heart.

Pay attention to the energy you feel around you. Often they visit when you are sleeping and you can sense them as you drift off to sleep or just as you are waking up. You may “see” them out of the corner of your eye. You may “hear” their bark or meow. You may hear their name mentioned over a few days. TRUST YOURSELF AND THESE MESSAGES. Energy messages are subtle and filled with love.

If this animal is very connected to you (your spirit animal) then very often they will come back to continue to love and support you.

We cannot control when or if they return to us. Allowing space for them in our lives and staying open to what they choose and timing is most helpful. And if your animal knows you would benefit from having another pet, they will be very involved in working with that animal’s soul and personality to help them come into your life.

To learn more about animal reincarnation, listen to the Rover Says podcast where in this episode I talk about Gabriel’s reincarnation (with a twist) with the amazing storyteller, Nancy Aziz. I explain about reincarnation and my experiences with my felines Gabriel and Cosmo. Listen Here.


Does your pet seem extra needy?


What is Your Animal Telling You?